July 20, 2007


I am in serious need of a long holiday. My motivation has dropped to below zero and I have to force myself out of bed in the morning – on limb at a time. I need a change!!!!

“Harry Potter and the deathly hallows” is coming out on Saturday, so at least that’s something. But wait, he’ll certainly die, so after this weekend I will be in full mourning… hope it’s not too hot out… black does attract the heat!

I am at home in my flat in Geneva at the moment. Pissed off, because I had to wait for men…. should be a woman’s prerogative!!! The heating is playing up (like I’d notice in summer!) so they were sent by to check, change and cause chaos. After an hour they succeeded in creating a leak in one of the radiators and tiptoed off without me noticing. Great! So I had to call them AGAIN and they came huffing and puffing and are now sorting out this “little problem” as they called it. (Everything is “little” here. You could be a 3m tall basketball player and they would still refer to everything you eat, wear and do as “little”! Weird their terms of endearment: going round “belittling” everything and everyone!)

M. will start his new job in August. So that’s him happy. Didn’t have to look for long (2 weeks) but was moaning as if he had been out of work for a year! Men….!

We got a new boss at work. The one on maternity leave decided to leave permanently, so voilà, an opening came up for someone moving back to Geneva from Austria… and she happened to have experience on the brand…. fate!

Everyone is happy and my co-worker has calmed down with her exploits, so we’re a fully functional team for now.