November 29, 2006
Cupcakes & more
the scent of green bananas: food from the guambat
The pics of her achievements alone are works of art and definitely worth a peek.
November 19, 2006
Oh, Champs-Élysées....
We just spent a very enjoyable three days in Paris, shopping until we dropped (literally!).
Needless to say, we had a great time.
Being back (last time I was in Paris was in 2001) reopened my eyes to Paris' beauty and reawakened my dormant desire to live in a large city. Hopefully one day...
November 12, 2006
The Sandoz Room

Last Friday I came across the most beautiful ballroom I've ever seen. We were wandering around the Hotel Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne, when suddenly our guide led us into the Sandoz room. My knees went weak and my mouth dropped. Such beauty, such style... it was absolutly magnificent.
November 09, 2006
To find out, follow these four simple steps:
1. open google: / / / ...
2. type in "failure"
3. press "enter"
4. check out the first hit
I wonder how long it will take them to notice!
November 07, 2006
Just had a very relaxing (or invigorating – cannot decide which) foot massage... as well as an interesting conversation.
I learnt that according to Ayurvedic philosophy, my dominant Dosha type is "Pitta" and I need to keep "cool". Unfortunately this goes hand in hand with avoiding all vegetables I like. Therefore I’m not so sure if I will fully buy into this philosophy… we’ll see. I did however book another foot massage; it really does wonders after a long session on the treadmill!
November 02, 2006
Will you... I do.
Last weekend I was awakened to the fact that time IS flying: a guy from my primary school class got married last year and a couple my age is planning to marry next summer. Yikes, it just made me feel so old! When I told M, he got this panicky look on his face, so I changed the subject quickly! Don’t want him to think that I am in any hurry to tie the knot.