December 19, 2006

I'm off!

We arrive in Aussieland on Christmas Day; perfectly on time to celebrate at the beach with some turkey sandwiches. Wonder if they sell crackers down under too?

After ooh-ing and aah-ing at the Sydney Opera House, harbour and other similarly fantastic sights, we begin our trek by flying up to Townsville (as if we hadn’t flown enough!). From there we plan to drive down the East Coast until we reach Byron Bay (approx. 5 hours south of Brisbane), stopping along the way to poke and prod jellyfish and enjoy sights, surf and sun.

But all good things must end and in this case, our three week journey stops abruptly mid January, where we will be forced to fly back to wintry Europe from Brisbane.

December 13, 2006

Seven things

I came across this meme and as I am currently bored (I curse the fact that I don't have a TV), as well as too tired to think but not tired enough to go to bed, I figure this beats staring at the wall...

Seven Things I Can Do

  • Play volleyball.
  • Devour large quantities of chocolate and biscuits.
  • Shop.
  • Almost everything, if I put my mind to it. (Except of course the seven points immediately below.)
  • Listen to someone spout absolute B***s*** and appear interested.
  • Talk on the phone for hours. Face to face I am a relatively quiet person but pass me a phone and I can talk forever. The longest conversation I ever had was five hours, only broken because it was time to meet.
  • Outfit other people. Well, that would go under "shop", too. I did say I was tired...

Seven Things I Can't Do

  • Wait. I am a very impatient person. Although it has gotten better since I moved to Berne.
  • Muster up any enthusiasm for cleaning. Hell no.
  • Save.
  • Do things in moderation.
  • Maths in my head. 182-19= ??? Pass me my calculator!
  • Drive slowly. Pair this with clumsiness and you can just imagine what my car looks like.
  • Put my head under water whilst swimming.

Seven Things That Scare Me

  • SPIDERS and any kind of creepy-crawly with more than six legs.
  • Driving in heavy snow.
  • Needles and nurses. A harried nurse once stabbed THROUGH my vein instead of into it. Went round with a black / blue / green / yellow elbow for a whole month. Charming. I'm sure she is a nice person underneath. Yeah right.
  • My close family dying. It is inevitable, I know. But it will be very painful, nonetheless.
  • Swimming in the open sea or in lakes. You never know what lurks beneath.
  • The scary bits in films. I tend to spend a lot of the time behind a pillow or covering my eyes. Can’t stomach scary scenes at all.
  • Drugs, or rather their effects.

Seven Things I Want To Do Before I Die

  • Live abroad somewhere.
  • Take a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • Learn to speak Italian.
  • Donate time and money to charity / volunteer work.
  • Be able to do the splits.
  • Start up my own business. Am open to any kind of ideas ;-)
  • Have children. Maybe. Am still not quite sure if I want screaming brats. If one's children are always worse than oneself, I think I may reconsider this wonderful adventure.

Seven Random Facts About Me

  • I hardly have any nail on my little toe.
  • I can obsess about something for days.
  • I adore shopping early in the morning. Well, actually I love shopping any time of the day. But it’s so much better when there’s no long queue in front of the dressing rooms.
  • In the past five years, I have lived and worked in five countries and seven cities.
  • I have black fingers (as opposed to green fingers). The life expectancy of every plant diminishes rapidly should I be looking after it. Wonder why?
  • I love “Hello Kitty”.
  • I was born April 4th (4 is unlucky in Asia) and for some reason I feel drawn to the number 13 and black cats (both unlucky in Europe).

December 12, 2006


After having spent the whole weekend watching the compelling "24" (yet again!), I have decided to dedicate an entry to this fantastic series.

The hero of the real-time show is Jack Bauer, a government agent of the
CTU (Counter-terrorist Unit). Each season comprises 24 hours, one whole day in the life of Jack Bauer.

In the first season/day, he dealt with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate, his daughter's disappearance as well as having to uncover a mole within the CTU. In the second season/day he is tortured and reborn, whilst trying to stop a massive nuclear weapon from destroying Los Angeles. And of course his daughter went missing… again.

I’m currently on season three… completely hooked.

Wonder what that will hold for Jack?

HERE are some facts about Jack Bauer... for the die-hard & interested.

And should you be interested in the guy behind Jack Bauer... say hello to Kiefer Sutherland.