July 30, 2007

Love is agony

I have been in the state of agony for the last few days. I am in love. In love with a pair of shoes!

On the fateful day (last Friday), I was strolling home around midnight, absentmindedly glancing at the well-lit shop windows. When suddenly, my gaze was caught by a pair of expertly crafted black high-heels. It was love at first sight! I shot over and pressed my nose against the glass, drinking in every single little detail. Then, my eyes fell upon the price tag. My insides churned. “They are so expensive! No!!! Wait, I am a fully fledged business woman now, I can afford them", I thought happily. Yet I must be growing older, because I was surprised to find that a black monster had begun to rear its head. Roaring for me to be sensible and all that crap. I found it imposing some kind of masochistic ban on those shoes, which goes so far, as to me denying myself the pleasure of even IMAGINING THE POSSIBILITY that one day they could be mine. It is driving me insane! Day after day the shoes innocently flirt with the glances of predatory shoppers. Giving me anxiety attacks, that when one day the beast is finally silent (I am already hatching a cunning plan to kill it while it sleeps) they won't have my size!

July 28, 2007


The Simpsons movie did not live up to its trailer.
I recommend renting the DVD.

Pré Fêtes de Genève

I managed to survive the initiation to the pré fêtes of Geneva...
3 3dl champagne sangrias (champagne, peach syrup and fruit drowned in vodka)
1 apple shot
1 big squirt out of the deerskin pouch (very sweet & extremely potent!)
1 huge whiskey red bull (I neither like whiskey, nor red bull! but was so far gone at that point that I didn't notice WHAT I was drinking. Had only eaten half a green salad.)
1 caipirinha
all in 4,5 hours.

The next day I was greeted to a chorus of "my god you look so yellow!!!"
Must have been the champagne.

July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

A definite must-read!

The only critique I can muster is:
What modern parent in their right mind would bequeath their child with the name "Albus"?
Even if it is after the legendary wizerd Dumbledore...
Personally I prefer the name Dumbledore over Albus. Far nicer! (Albus reminds me of the bird "albatross"!)

July 20, 2007


I am in serious need of a long holiday. My motivation has dropped to below zero and I have to force myself out of bed in the morning – on limb at a time. I need a change!!!!

“Harry Potter and the deathly hallows” is coming out on Saturday, so at least that’s something. But wait, he’ll certainly die, so after this weekend I will be in full mourning… hope it’s not too hot out… black does attract the heat!

I am at home in my flat in Geneva at the moment. Pissed off, because I had to wait for men…. should be a woman’s prerogative!!! The heating is playing up (like I’d notice in summer!) so they were sent by to check, change and cause chaos. After an hour they succeeded in creating a leak in one of the radiators and tiptoed off without me noticing. Great! So I had to call them AGAIN and they came huffing and puffing and are now sorting out this “little problem” as they called it. (Everything is “little” here. You could be a 3m tall basketball player and they would still refer to everything you eat, wear and do as “little”! Weird their terms of endearment: going round “belittling” everything and everyone!)

M. will start his new job in August. So that’s him happy. Didn’t have to look for long (2 weeks) but was moaning as if he had been out of work for a year! Men….!

We got a new boss at work. The one on maternity leave decided to leave permanently, so voilà, an opening came up for someone moving back to Geneva from Austria… and she happened to have experience on the brand…. fate!

Everyone is happy and my co-worker has calmed down with her exploits, so we’re a fully functional team for now.

July 01, 2007


M graduated yesterday (uni, law, cum laude). Congrats! We've been out celebrating ever since we knew he passed...
Welcome to the working word. You surely won't be just another fish in the sea of job-hunters for long!

Speaking of fish: in Malta we were (or rather, I was) attacked by a shoal of fish. At first I thought the tiny, black nibblers were rather cute, until their jaws opened and they revealed their true carnivorous nature.
M refused to be impressed and keeps on insisting that a 2cm long fish does not bite.... men!

After a few days, we decided that Malta's charms were too dry and barren to hold us. So we booked a day-tour of Sicily / Mt Etna.
The crossing only took 90 minutes on a high speed catamaran. After visiting the quaint little town of Taormina, we headed up to Mt Etna and marvelled at the destruction lava can cause.