July 20, 2004


Appearances can be very deceptive...
Last week I had the misfortune of running into a brutal battering ram camouflaged as a pretty, friendly nurse. Under doctor's orders she stuck a little needle into the cradle of my arm, took gallons of blood from my poor little vein and left me to recover slowly from my fear of needles.
Throughout the day my arm felt heavy and slowly but surely a black bruise the size and consistency of an acorn formed over the wound.
The next day the bruise had spread to mid upper and mid lower arm, covering the entire surface with streaks and patches of black & blue, green & brown. My arm looks like it had been in the ring with Mike Tyson and had managed to hold on til the last round!

So beware nurses who decide to puncture the entire vein, by inserting a needle that comes out the other side of it!