February 09, 2006


At a Toastmasters workshop last Saturday we were introduced into the art of influential acting and speaking. Amy Caroll was our host and quite the star of the show. The participants were mostly expatriates and people who had settled in Switzerland.

Interestingly enough, a discussion led to quite a few stating that they had had problems getting accustomed to the Swiss reserved manner. Some spoke of how depressed they became whilst they tried to fit in. I got the impression that it was quite liberating for some to express these feelings and to find themselves amongst others who had gone (or were going) through a similar situations. Those who had been in Switzerland the longest shared their experiences of when and how they managed to stop trying to fit in. If Amy had not diffused the situation, I believe the workshop may have veered towards becoming a self-help group!
Nonetheless, I enjoyed listening to their opinions and experiences.