April 29, 2008
New Blog
www.travelbar.blogspot.com for an update on my mischief.
April 27, 2008
Personal Year 9
Personal Year 9. . . . Reflection and Reaching Out
This is a year of completions, ending, and a time when you are apt to take inventory of the many factors in your life, some of which you are no doubt proud of, and others that you may want to change. You are likely to scrutinize old values, ideals, and the ideas that you thought were important. This should be a time when you become more involved with other's and giving may become more important that merely looking out for yourself. You may also become aware of a lure to commune with nature, as escapist desires become much stronger than in the past. A lot of things that you have been working for should come to completion during this year, and you will tend to clear the deck for the beginning of a new nine year cycle.
Sounds interesting..!
April 25, 2008
I prefer fish
He filled six (!) albeit little holes this morning. (But still, six! I never had a hole before in my life and now doom has descended... ) Being such a coward I asked for an injection - and got three. Four hours later and I STILL cannot close my mouth properly. When I think about it I bear a distinct resemblance to a drooling fish! (Do fish drool, I wonder?)
Today next week I'm off to Bangkok! ;-)
April 23, 2008
New template
On a happier note I have been invited to an interview - for a job in Africa. Has to be before I shoot off on May 2nd, so I'm rushing off to Germany for the interview on Tuesday!
If you want a laugh, check out Britain's got Talent on itv.com. The contestants are competing for the opportunity to perform in front of Prince Charles & co at the Royal Variety Show. Some are bad, some are weird and some are actually very very good.
April 17, 2008
5 days
I’ve been mute now for almost an entire week, ok 5 days, and it’s amazing to see how people react to this silent creature opposite them. Everyone switches to High-German straight away and starts gesturing like they’ve got ants in their pants. I wonder if they were subconsciously trying to ensure that I understood by emphasizing their body language – as if I couldn’t hear well either.
I went round with my phone, typing in my message to the outer world and getting them to read it. Was quite funny actually.
The doctor yesterday put the fear of God into me by saying that I might want to annul my trip if this goes on... must have seen my shock and determination to disregard his words because in the next breath he was doling out antibiotics and other fantastic remedies designed to make me sing like a bird in two days. Eating ice-cream last night gave me 1 hour of talkative bliss. But that seems to have run out - am so looking forward to when this medicine kicks in!
Am going down to Geneva to return all my stuff, hopefully there won't be much traffic.
April 13, 2008
It is completely gone. Yesterday I managed to communicate with my surroundings by a hoarse whisper, but today I'm a complete mute. Well, sort of, anyway.
April 11, 2008
And then there were none
A colleague was found dead in his home after failing to turn up for work for two days.
So so sad. Another young life taken. Words fail me.
It is raining outside. T'is as if the heavens were sympathising.
March 21, 2008
March 17, 2008
Southeast Asia - my plan
spend 2 nights in Bangkok - fly up to Hanoi - travel down to Saigon & Mekong Delta - mosey over to Cambodia - trek up through Laos - wander over to northern Thailand and travel down to Bangkok. Only another 46 days to go!
Rediscovered Paddy's this weekend (Irish Pub). Was fantastic, as usual. Even if I did make a complete fool of myself by asking the lead singer at the bar if the band was any good (hey, how could I know who he was?!). He was surprisingly nice about it though. Not like some of the other stuck up "god's-nightmare-to-women" howlers.
March 06, 2008
Free day
Must admit though, that I am completely lost in the myriad of jobs, psychology and social work available.
March 03, 2008
The cook
Originally I was planning to tour Southeast Asia with Imaginative Traveler. But (unfortunately) they canceled the tour due to lack of participants. Soooo, after much ado (and not about nothing) I'm now off by myself for 4 months (May - August) ! Am really looking forward to it, despite missing the EURO 08 (football) in June.
Went to the career guidance office today to do some research and left them thoroughly confused! My gut feeling is telling me to focus on Psychology, yet there is such a HUGE focus on empirical research (statistics) that I'm quite put off.
Have to go and cook said meat now. hope he turns up soon, can't remember if he prefers it medium rare (like normal people) or well done (no comment).
February 28, 2008
Change is afoot:
My career advisor strongly suggested I look into the following areas (in no particular order) :
- social pedagogy
- psychology
- advertising
- psychotherapy
Apparently my personality, talents and inclinations is/are best suited for / will be most rewarded in the above areas.
We’ll see where life's wandering road will lead me!
February 12, 2008
Clumsy me
I bet you the malingering device has decided to sulk because I didn't buy it a cute laptop case I saw yesterday. (You never know, electrical devices may have feelings after all!)
January 30, 2008
A new start
Neither Marketing nor Geneva were quite my cup of tea and I decided that life is too short to harbor a silent hope that things will suddenly get better out of the blue. So voilĂ , I'm back in ZH at the moment replacing our sales rep (currently away on paternity leave for two months), hoping that I do not have to go down to Geneva again.
And no, before you start wondering, I do not have another job lined up. I really want a complete change and have enlisted the help of a career adviser to point me in the right direction. It's quite an adrenalin kick to just up and leave. Am looking forward to the adventure that will be my future!
January 22, 2008
To be honest, this was the fist funeral that brought forth the pain I carried round in my chest when Carmen died. It's gone now, but I was so surprised by its presence and the fact that it could come back with such a vengeance.
But life does go on, so on a happier note:
I went to Engelberg last weekend with my old volleyball mates (+ partners) and we had great fun. To my surprise I really enjoyed skiing! (Haven't been for at least 10 years.) Not that I was any good, but M gave me some lessons and my body actually managed to remember the movements I was supposed to make... as well as the pain the next day!
They had an igloo bar / restaurant / hotel near our place and we went there for a nightcap. Was pretty spectacular besides being freezing cold!
January 13, 2008
The last few months of the old year were tarnished by the sombre presence of death.
> My boyfriend's grandmother passed away, hit by a sudden stroke.
> A colleague's heavily pregnant wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. She passed away the day before yesterday. Thankfully the baby is fine (delivered by cesarean) and ready to go home soon.
I fell ill with a horrible virus just shortly before Christmas, but was up and about in time to scoff some stuffing! M & I spent the New Year in Hamburg. Strolling around, dancing to rock music at 7am at the fish market, enjoying the local delicacies (cake, not fish!) and shopping til we dropped!