May 16, 2005
I'm singin' in the rain!
Once upon a time there were 4 students (2 guys & 2 girls) who decided to live together. Full of hope and optimism they set out into the jungle of flats, real estate agents and hostile landlords. Yet success was not forthcoming and slowly but surely their good spirits dwindled in the face of unsuitable layouts, rude rebukes and ever decreasing possibilities. Fairy godmother where art thou? The wicked witch has gotten a firm hold on Basel’s property market… A miracle is needed by July 1st to help save us from homelessness! But no answer came from their fairy godmother (courtesy of Nevereverland Spa - Rest & relaxation the Hungarian way; run by Dekciw Hchiw Inc.) and the 4 students quested on in vain for a habitable property in Basilea Basiliensis.